Finally, it is revealed that which part of mind takes decisions in between the conditions of uncertainty. Scientists told us that, during the decision making time which we have to opt for risky or safe path or more reliable paths. But we have to take decisions that there is a hindrance in mind. 

Study revels that a group of value coding neuron in Ventral Palladium, is a part of brain which controls the dopamine level. These atoms transfer signals between neurons which makes us felt very well. This is deactivated when we choose risky options rather than the safe one.
According to Assistant professor Ilya Mansov of Washington University, "Ventral Palladium resists dopamine neuron, and by the selection of risky decisions dopamine level increases." Study also revels that in that part of brain, where these neurons are found is called as Medial Brassele Forebrain.

Study conducted on monkeys show that after taking risky decisions, that part is highly activated. But also, by taking risky decisions, they were enlightened with knowledge. Medial Brassele Forebrain is that part of brain, which is functioned to transfer signals to Cortical Brain. Monosov says, "It suggest that to take uncertain decision is a part of gaining knowledge."

The article published in the general of neuroscience by Monosov, "When people are uncertain to take decision, they try to solve for uncertainty. To solve problem they opt for many uncertain options and then they learn by the means of their reactions." Researchers found that by the study of this, pschyo and mental disorders like negative views regarding risks and disorders related to tension and stress, are to be cured properly.
Reference - IANS

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