Someone long back said to me "Loneliness comes often, Tranquility doesn't" and today when I m sitting on this metro gazing at those neon lights, I wonder how true it is! I m lonely but peace finds no shelter in my life today. With the last hope, I try calling a friend and ask him "Naukri milegi kya". The answer comes 'no' from the other side. Life is moving on, every morning is a new beginning. With every morning there comes a new hope but it perishes in the darkness of life. Tracing back the memories of past and present, tears roll down from my eyes. The cooling air-conditioned coaches and hassle free movement of the train don't cool my soul. I m tired of searching an alternative to this cruel life, every time, counterfeiting a smile on face. Someone has rightly said no matter how disgusting your life is going but an answer to someone's question "how's life rolling" has to be given "fine". There is a soul deep inside me,sad, deprived, haunted by the conglomerate of harsh moments. She wants peace, wants to run away from all the responsibilities she has opted. Happiness has drained away from her life. Everyone is so much engrossed in their work that I can afford to cry since no one is watching me. And thinking all these those diamonds drip down from my eyes.
 People come and go and those salty water drops get absorbed in the sole of sassy stilettoes. I have seen a lot of shoes walking away from me in life, sinking me down in the river of emotions, sinking me down in times of duress and difficulties. And suddenly question tickles in my mind "what happens if I am gone" "what happens if my existence seizes to 0" Is there anyone who will dismantle oneself if I disappear? The answer comes yes ,no or maybe! I want to free this suffering soul from this body. It doesn't seem worth holding it in the infatuation for life. With every day passing by, I m breaking down. There are still some friends who call and say" everything will be fine soon"
But now my mind says it's never going to be fine anymore. 'All I could do is to stare at my life silently, helplessly for the good old days to come. '
But  My instinct doesn’t allow me to free my soul, loose it and be a coward either! And my heart instructs me 'All I should do is to keep fighting in my life silently for the good old days to come.’ The metro stopped at my destination, I stepped out, this time, I was feeling lightened, no one consoled me, no one hugged me but there was something within me that said clear enough “stay strong, yeh waqt bhi gujar jayega”
It happens with all of us sometimes. Every one of us have thought somewhere at some point in time that  what goes well when everyone seems wrong when we suffer a lot? Why everyone says there is a big good reason behind every bad situation we suffer in our life?
You know what?
What goes well is that it makes us tough, it gives us courage, and after when the bad days end  we realize,  those bad times were a bunch of situations all occurring at once and all going to the way, exactly opposite to the way we expected! 
Aren’t you satisfied by what has been gone over time and realise that it was actually good for you?
Situations won't break you, your reactions may!
Stay strong because if nothing goes well, it's never an end!

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